
GST Consumer helpline launched

Consumer helpline by Anti profiteering authority The National Anti-profiteering Authority (NAA) has launched a helpline where consumers can report complaints against companies who don’t pass on GST rate cuts. The helpline number 011-21400643 will guide the consumers to register their complaints, provide information and resolve queries related to profiteering under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law. Consumers can call the helpline number between 9:30 am-1 pm and 1:30pm – 6pm on all working days, as per the latest post on the NAA website. This would be another leg of regulatory oversight for businesses! The first year was marked by several changes and settling in, the second year of GST may be a whole lot about litigation! For all businesses it is very important to be in compliance with GST rules. Call us for  GST Registration  and  GST Returns Call now GST Registration

How to Convert GSTR2 Report to Excel Format

Today all the tax payers are taking lot of the time for reconciling the GSTR2 report with Purchase Invoice by checking one by using the offline utility software provided by the GST Portal, but here I am introducing the new utility created in the Microsoft Excel Format which will helps us to convert the Json File which is created by the GST Portal to Microsoft Excel Format and it will helps us to reconcile the data by using Vlookup formula in the less time and you can relax in the GSTR2 filing process. Step-1 Download the GSTR2A Report from the GST Portal Step-2 Download the Offline Utility software of the Json file convertor to Excel using the below link (It will work only above version of Microsoft Excel 2010 and above) Step-3 Convert the Json file to CSV Format by uploading the file to site Step-4 Convert this to CSV Format Step-5 Copy and Paste  the data in  the CSV File to the Excel Utility and pasting same using Paste Special  valu...

Late Fee being applied in case of Sept month 3B

You might have received complaint about late fee being applied in case of Sept month 3B . This is not for any delay on filing of Sept month as we have not reached 20th Oct. It is on account of late filing of return for previous period.   The system does entry into ledgers from 3B return on the date on which return is submitted (entries get frozen). The late fee till that date is applied, if date of submission is later than the last date of filing. In case the return is filed later than the date of filing then the late fee for the gap between date of filing and last date of filing return or date of submission (whichever is later) is added in the next month’s return.   In case a taxpayer had submitted last month’s return on 22nd Sept (D1) and filed the return on 26th Sept (D2), then late fee was calculated for 22nd -20th Sept and shown in the payment sheet of Sept Return (2*100*2). . The delay between date of submission (D1) and date of f...

BCAS Initiative - Educational Sevies on GST

BCAS Initiative - Educational Sevies on GST : via @YouTube GST for Charitable Trusts: via @YouTube Composition Scheme: via @YouTube GST on Co-operative Societies: via @YouTube GST under Agency Principle: via @YouTube Procedures for LUT/Bonds/Export Refunds: via @YouTube Levy Provisions under GST: via @YouTube Composite vs. Mixed Supplies: via @YouTube Bill to/ Ship to - GST Implications: via @YouTube Capital Goods - GST Issues around Credit: via @YouTube Moevable Works Contracts: via @YouTube Job Work Provisions: via @YouTube Works Contracts - Issues for Contractors: via @YouTube Government Services: via @YouTube Concept of Supply: https://t....

Various GST Updates

# *GST*: The government is planning to allow quarterly filing of returns instead of monthly, by a vast majority of businesses as nearly 60 Lac businesses account for only 5% of taxes and nearly 4 Lac business account for 95% of the taxes. # *GST*: Small exporters has been exempted from giving bank guarantee - the facility of furnishing LUT, in place of a bond, for exporting goods or services or both shall be allowed to exporters. # *GST*: CBEC has extended the period for intimation of details of stock held on the date preceding the date from which the option to pay tax u/s 10 of the CGST Act is exercised in FORM GST CMP-03 is extended till 31-OCT-2017 - Order No.04/2017-GST, dt.29.09.2017. # *GST*: Deadline for selling unsold pre-GST stock with their revised MRP post implementation of GST along with their old MRPs extended to 31-DEC 2017. # *GST*: CBEC notifies amendment in the CGST Rules 24, 118, 119, 120 & 120A and also amended Form GST REG-29 – Noti.No.36/2017-CT, dt.29...

GST + INCOME TAX Update in Hindi

१) जुलाई महीने के फॉर्म GSTR-1भरने की अंतिम तारीख १०/१०/२०१७. २) सप्टेम्बर महीने के फॉर्म GSTR-3B भरने की अंतिम तारीख २०/१०/३०१७. 3) कंपोसिशन स्कीम के व्यपारियो का ०१/०७/२०१७ से ३०/०९/२०१७ तक ...


Given below is the checklist for finalisation of Balance sheet hope this will help you for sure in finalising the balancesheet of all organisations. Must check the following things before finalising . 1. No Entry On National Holiday. 2. Confirmation of Secured Loans. 3. Confirmation of Unsecured Loans. 4. Confirmation of S.Creditors (Specialy Those With Debit Balance.) 5. Confirmation of S.Debtors (Specialy Those With Credit Balance) 6. Bonus Sheet To Be Tallied With Bonus Paid In Cash And By Cheque. 7. Check Cash For Negative Balance. 8. Electricity Charges For 12 Months Entered Or Not. 9. Salary Sheet – Tally With Salary Paid In Cash+Cheque. Salary of Employees Who Have Not Signed Salary Sheet Should Reflect As Payable. Tally With Salary Summary For Whole Year. 10. Copy of All Full & Final A/C Papers Required. 11. Insurance Exp. – Pre-Paid Entries To Be Done. Copy of All Cover Notes To Be Kept In Balance Sheet File. 12. Other Pre-Paid Exp. Entries Like Lice...


Late Fees for GSTR 3B for the month of August is waived. Those who have filed the GSTR 3B for the August month with late fees, have to wait for credit in cash ledger. Those who have filed GSTR 3B for the month of July with late fees, their late fees' credit has been given in Cash Ledger.

New updates on the services made available on GST portal

1) REG_011 : Application for Amendment of Registration - Core Fields, deployed in portal 2) REG_012 : Processing of Amendment  Application, deployed in portal for tax officials 3) REG_19 : Suomoto Registration along with payment option, deployed in portal 4) GSTR 3B issue If the user enters multiple decimal values in Section 3.2 and section 3.1a IGST is equal to section 3.2, save GSTR3B is showing business validation error. In browser java script when the decimal values are getting summed up, more than 2 digits are getting added which is causing this validation issue, so same has been rounded off to 2 digits. Bug fixed and Change completed successfully 5) EVC Filing Issue in Transition form 1 Change completed successfully 6) Transfer of Charge –BO System Error thrown while trying to transfer the charge. Fix is done in order to avoid this issue.

Now you can edit, submit & file GSTR 3B for July 2017

Taxpayers who have not set off their tax liability for GSTR 3B for July 2017 and have only done ‘Submit’ of their GSTR 3B, have now been given option to edit, submit and file their Returns. Some of relevant provisions of 3 B Can filling of GSTR-3B be avoided by filing GSTR-1, 2 & 3? You cant avoid Form 3B as the filling of GSTR-3B is mandatory as per CGST rule 61(5). Your attention is invited to  rule 61(5)  &  rule 61(6)  vide 61(5) Where the time limit for furnishing of details in FORM GSTR-1 under section 37 and in FORM GSTR-2 under section 38 has been extended and the circumstances so warrant, the Commissioner may, by notification, [specify the manner and conditions subject to which the]10 return shall befurnished in FORM GSTR-3B electronically through the common portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner. 61(6) Where a return in FORM GSTR-3B has been furnished, after the due date for furn...

Emergency Like Situation for Indian Economy

Exporters stuck refund of Rs 65000 crore for July to October 2017 causes huge headache for govt. 1. Rs 2,00,000 crore are likely refunds on export of goods per year now 2. This refund being real time refund at 18% ( in some items 12 and 28 also) is minimum 3 times of earlier refunds paid through Duty Drawback which on average used to be 3 to 5 % of total value of exports. 3. Govt didnot anticipated this heavy real time refunds which is 3 times of annual Duty Draw back. 4. Now 65000 crores are stuck for just 4 months with govt and cant be released before filing of GSTR 3, so refunds will start flowing from November end only. 4. All working capital flows dried up for exporters leading to stoppage of orders by order book lower fr coming months 5. Its emergency situation as export orders due to it are down by 15-20% for peak demand export period of Christmas sales. 6. These lower export figures will start reflecting from Nov- Dec thus would effect more then 1 crore ...

Product name should be registered under Trade Marks Act

The Ministry of Finance on Wednesday clarified that for the purposes of Goods and Services Tax (GST) applicability, an item will be deemed to be ‘branded’ if it carries a brand name or trade name that is registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. The Ministry was trying to allay the confusion around the definition of a branded product, since several unbranded food items are exempt from GST while their branded variants fall in the 5% tax bracket. “Doubts are being raised as to the meaning of registered brand name,” an official statement said. “In this context, the notification… clearly defines ‘registered brand name’ as brand name or trade name, which is registered under the Trade Marks Act, 1999. In this regard, Section 2 (w) read with section 2 (t) of the Trade Marks Act, 1999 provide that a registered trade mark means a trade mark which is actually on the Register of Trade Marks and remaining in force.” “Thus, unless the ...

Income Tax Profile changes from Today

Please note following changes in your Income Tax Profile from today . You may be required to update your Mobile Number and Email Address in your Income Tax Profile upon Login: 1. Now you need to provide your own email address + your own mobile number. 2. One Mobile Number & One Email Address can be used or attached with Maximum 3 Tax Profiles as against the earlier limit of 10 Tax Profiles;  3. The Taxpayer is also required to declare whose email & mobile number he/she is providing e.g. Mobile Number & Email Address of his/her - Self/ Spouse/ Parent/Sibling/ Chartered Accountant; 4. The Taxpayer can also link his/her Bank Account Number in his Tax Profile permanently for the records of the Tax Department and/or for all Tax Refund disposals etc.

How to Change Email and Mobile no. on GST Portal?

The steps which need to be followed by the user taxpayer for changing of email and mobile number: – Step-1: Login to GST portal ( with your user id and password. Step-2: Click on the registration bar and select the non-core amendment. Step-3: Click on the authorized signatory tab. Step-4: Add new authorized signatory whose email and mobile number user wants to use. Step-5: Go to verification tab and submit the application. Step-6: After submission of application please wait for some time ( 15 minutes). Step-7: Login again with user id and password. Step-8: Go to the authorized signatory tab – deselect the primary authorized signatory check box. Step-9: Select the newly added authorized signatory as primary authorized signatory (Important: Older mobile and email id will be prefetched by the system. Please ensure to change the mobile and email id to which you want to add.) Step-10: Go to the verification tab and submit, [...

GST - Dealer issues with First Time login and Password

In case of newly registered GST dealers, many complaints were received that these dealers were not receiving mail containing First Time login and Password . So, these dealers were not able to make payment or file GSTR-3B or GSTR-1. GSTN has resolved this issue by providing a link to "Resend this Welcome mail". The steps to use this link are - 1. Go to Services - Registration - New Registration - Login with TRN. 2. This will prompt a  message "Please click here to resend the Email and SMS". 3. On Click of link, email with GSTIN and password will be retriggered on the Registered email id.

Guidelines For Changing Email And Mobile Number in GST

Guidelines For Changing Email And Mobile Number Of Primary Authorized Signatories Mentioned At The Time Of Enrolment Or New Registration The steps which need to be followed by the user taxpayer for changing of email and mobile number: – Step-1: Login to GST portal  with your user id and password. Step-2: Click on the registration bar and select the non-core amendment. Step-3: Click on the authorized signatory tab. Step-4: Add new authorized signatory whose email and mobile number user wants to use. Step-5: Go to verification tab and submit the application. Step-6: After submission of application please wait for some time ( 15 minutes). Step-7: Login again with user id and password. Step-8: Go to the authorized signatory tab – deselect the primary authorized signatory check box. Step-9: Select the newly added authorized signatory as primary authorized signatory (Important: Older mobile and email id will be prefetched by the system. Please ensure to change th...

Poor Sizing of GST infrastructure

When the Government was targeting 3 Crore GST payers; GSTN settled for a Rented server based in Whitefield Bangalore having capacity of only 80000 access at one time whereas the requirement was to have a Server having capacity of 5 Lakh access at one time. The Jumbo Server similar to one being used by National Stock Exchange was required to be imported by GSTN. But Consultants to GSTN and even GSTN Team could not understand the basic requirement of Hardware and Software for running Network for uploading and matching data of a magnitude required for implementation of GST. It was mismanagement by all stakeholders. Instead of GSTN opening Return Filing Facilitation Centres in all cities; the Officials were busy with TV Channels and Webinars. Even GSTN Head Office at Aero City in Delhi did not have a Service centre for Tax payers where they could go for resolution of their issues and get them resolved on the spot. Even FinMin and GST Commissioners failed to assess that need of hour was to...

What is Narco Test in India?

A person is able to lie by using his imagination. In the Narco Analysis Test, the subject's imagination is neutralised by making him semi-conscious. In this state, it becomes difficult for him to lie and his answers would be restricted to facts he is already aware of. Experts inject the subject with Sodium Pentothal or Sodium Amytal. The dose is dependent on the person's sex, age, health and physical condition. A wrong dose can result in a person going into a coma, or even death.

Quick Reference Guide to Political Contribution

Legal Provision - Section 182 of Companies Act, 2013. Key Points:- 1. The Company can give Political Contribution in an aggregate in such Financial Year upto 7.5% of average net profit during 3 immediately preceding Financial Years. 2.Contribution should be given to Any Political Party. 3. The Government Companies and The Company which is incorporated within less than 3 Financial Years are not allowed to Contribute an amount to any political party whether Directly or Indirectly. 4. Board Resolution is mandatory for Contribution to any political party. 5. Disclosure should be made in the P& L account of the Company. 6. If there is any Contravention under this Section then Company is liable for fine up to 5 times of Contribution of Amount. And the officer in default is liable for imprisonment up to 6 months and with fine also which may extend to 5 times of the contribution of amount.

Quick Reference Guide about Insider Trading

Legal Provision:- Section 195 of Companies Act, 2013. SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. Key Points:- 1. Insider Trading means "Unpublished Price Sensitive Information". 2. It's absolutely illegal. 3. Insider Trading affects the the Price of Securities of the Company. 4. It is not apply in ordinary course of business or profession or employment. 5. It includes activities like buying, selling, dealing of Securities by Director or KMP or any other officer of the Company on the basis of Unpublished Price Sensitive Information. 6. Penalty as per Section 195(2) of Companies Act, 2013 :- The person is punishable for imprisonment of a term which may extend to 5 years or with fine which shall not be less than ₹ 5 lakh but which may extend to ₹25 crore or 3 times of amount of profit made from Insider Trading, whichever is higher or both. 7. Insider Trading also includes an act of Counselling about Price Prediction whether directly or Indir...

Taxmen to snoop social networking sites to trace black money

Taxmen to snoop social networking sites to trace black money. A photo of your shiny new luxury car on Instagram or a costly watch on Facebook may lead the taxman to your door as the tax department from next month will begin amassing virtual information to trace black money. Other Updates - Govt to assess input tax credit claims of Rs 60,000 crore in GST. The government is in the process of checking the veracity of the around Rs 60,000 crore of claims made by entities for stocks before the implementation of the goods and services tax (GST). Of the Rs 95,000 crore of revenue collected in July. - TDS, TCS deductors can apply for GST registration from 18 September. GST registrations for entities mandated to collect and deduct tax at source will start from 18 September. However, the date from which tax deducted at source (TDS) or tax collected at source (TCS) is to be done will be notified later.

GSTR Filing dates extended

GSTR1 Filling date extended to 10th October as per Finance Minister in Press Conference held today !! GSTR 1.  10 OCT GSTR 2   31 OCT GSTR 3.  10 NOV

Rumors on GST

Two RUMOURS are in circulation since today evening: 1. Extension of GSTRs filing dates; and 2. Resignation of Dr Hasmukh Adhia, Revenue Secretary. As of now, there is NO EXTENSION OF GSTRs filing DATES. WHEREAS Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, Revenue Secretary has tweeted TODAY evening : "Dr Ajay Bhushan Pande will hold charge of chairman GSTN in place of Navin Kumar who retired recently. He is DG UIDAI (Aadhar). He brings with him his vast experience of implementing complex IT projects. I welcome him to the Team GST of Revenue deptt."

Government May Reopen Composition Scheme Window again

The government is considering to re-open the composition scheme window that allows small taxpayers to pay levies at a lower rate by foregoing the benefit of input tax credit under the Goods and Services Tax, a senior government official told BloombergQuint. The proposal is likely to be tabled in GST Council’s next meeting on September 9, the official said requesting anonymity. According to the scheme, traders, manufacturers and restaurant owners with annual turnover up to Rs 75 lakh in the preceding financial year, can pay tax at 1 percent, 2 percent and 5 percent, respectively. Those availing the scheme will not get the benefit of input tax credit. The last date to avail the scheme was August 16, and to open the scheme again for taxpayers will need an amendment to the composition rules. The government is planning to make the scheme available again for those small taxpayers who have registered but not availed the scheme, the official cited above said. There are many taxpayers wh...

Exporters demand total exemption from GST

Exporters have petitioned the government for an outright exemption on payment of goods and services tax, saying that the time it takes to get reimbursements under the current mechanism was causing a working capital crunch. According to industry claims, about Rs 1.85 lakh crore of working capital will get stuck annually due to the implementation GST. Several exporters said they are already facing a capital shortage and have begun to turn away orders. Prior to the implementation of GST on July 1, exporters were exempted from paying duties. Now, they have to pay the tax first and then seek a refund, a process that ties up a portion of their working capital and pushes up manufacturing costs as they have to pay duties on inputs. This has particularly hit small exporters, who work on meagre resources and for whom getting bank financing is tough. Moradabad-based brass handicraft manufacturer and exporter Paragon Metals has Rs 6 lakh of drawback blocked with the government. Proprietor Ajay ...