Table 5 in Form 3B

There are many queries about what information need to be given in Table 5 of Form 3B. Below are some points which can help in putting information in Table 5.

🏋🏻 *1. Inward Supply from Composition dealers:* Here the Inward supplies received from Composition user needs to be filled, rather for any purchase or for business expense.

🏋🏻 *2. Inward exempted supply:* This one is the most critical to fill as it will cover all supply of exempted goods or services. Some examples are:
👉 *A.* All URD purchase below 5000 on which reverse charge is not paid, as it is an exempt supply.

👉 *B.* Amount of interest paid, GTA charges below 750 or 1500 and many more supplies which are exempt.

This is a big flow as all the details of minor expenses needs to be given monthly.

🏋🏻 *3. Inward NIL rate supply:* This includes all supplies classified under NIL rate.

🏋🏻* 4. NON GST Supply:* This heading will include all activities which are Supply but GST act in not applicable to them currently *like Petrol, diesel expenses, alcohol expenses.*

⛳ *So which inward activities does not need to be mentioned in Form 3B or going firmware in GSTR 2?*

👉 Primarily everything which fits in the definition of supply needs to be mentioned.
Hence, some expenses or activities as mentioned in *SCHEDULE III like salary, Sale of land etc..* which are specifically neither treated as Supply of goods nor of services *NEED NOT to be mentioned.*

👉 Also supply of money in not considered as supply of goods and hence it will also need not to be considered.

Hope this helps.


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